UK based free-lance journalist Ella Glover asked climate activists for the best strategies to help tackle climate change in 2022. Multisolving made the list!

From getting educated about climate change to moving your money to a bank that doesn’t invest in fossil fuels, the activists had lost of great suggestions.
Eating more sustainably was one of the ten ideas. It came along with a side of multisolving thanks to climate activist and researcher, Bridget McKenzie, who suggested, “reducing meat portions, opting instead for meat-free and plant-based meal options.”
McKenzie goes on to say, ‘Eating more plants is a multi-solving way to reduce food waste and save money – vegans spend up to 40% less than meat-eaters – while helping to protect biodiversity and reduce carbon emission.’
‘Meat accounts for 60% of the greenhouse gases from the food system, so it makes sense to replace it with plant alternatives, as long as you take care not to pack your diet with ultra-processed vegan products.
‘If you take a little time to explore flavour and variety, you can have a really enjoyable, affordable diet with maximum nutrition while knowing that you’re doing less harm to the planet.’
We noticed that some of the other suggestions on the list were multisolving too…take a look and see how many you can spot.